Global Celebration: 10th International Day of Yoga at the UN

Global citizens will converge at the United Nations this Friday to highlight yoga’s ability to bridge divides, marking the 10th International Day of Yoga. The event’s theme, ‘Yoga for Women Empowerment,’ will unfold on the North Lawn of the UN headquarters, featuring synchronized yoga sessions by diplomats, UN officials, employees, and yoga enthusiasts.

Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed and a video message from General Assembly President Dennis Francis are expected participants. This global celebration, initiated by a resolution proposed by India and co-sponsored by 175 countries in December 2014, designates June 21 as the International Day of Yoga, coinciding with the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere most years.

The event, slated for 6 p.m. New York Time (3:30 a.m. IST Saturday), will be webcast by the UN. Despite an expected high temperature of 35 degrees Celsius, India’s UN Mission is co-hosting the event with the UN Secretariat.

Last year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi led a record-breaking yoga session at the UN, uniting 135 nationalities in a Guinness World Record event. Concurrently, on the Solstice day, Times Square will host the ‘Mind over Madness’ event, featuring day-long yoga sessions sponsored by India’s Consulate General.

PM Modi initially proposed the idea of an International Day of Yoga in 2014, emphasizing yoga’s ancient tradition as a universal gift. The rapid adoption of the resolution at the General Assembly, with 175 co-sponsors, underscored its global appeal and significance.

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