MP Delegation Spotlights Sacred Heritage at Thai Buddha Relics Expo!

A distinguished team from the Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board, India, led by Shri Vivek Shrotriya (IAS), Additional Managing Director of MPTB, joined a prestigious Indian delegation in Thailand for the exposition of the holy relics of Lord Buddha and his disciples. Organized by the Government of India’s Ministry of Culture, this historic event marks the first time that the revered relics of Lord Buddha and his disciples are being showcased together.

The relics, dating back to the 4th and 5th centuries BC, were unearthed during excavations at Piprahwa by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) in the 1970s. These sacred artifacts, cherished by Buddhist devotees worldwide, are believed to have originated from the ancient Kapilavastu. The exposition of these relics commenced on February 22nd at the Sanam Luang Pavilion in Bangkok, amidst solemn rituals and holy chants, and will span across four cities and venues in Thailand over a 26-day period.

Madhya Pradesh, renowned as a leading hub of Buddhism, is actively participating in this religious and sacred initiative by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. Leveraging innovative technology, the state is offering virtual reality (VR) spiritual experiences of its sacred sites to visitors at the exposition. Among these sites is the iconic Sanchi Stupa, a UNESCO World Heritage site and a prominent tourist attraction, known for its ancient Buddhist heritage.

As part of the exposition, the holy relics of Sariputta and Maha Moggalayan, two of the most revered disciples of Lord Buddha, have been brought from Sanchi to Thailand, alongside the relics of Lord Buddha himself. This symbolic gesture underscores the deep spiritual connection between Madhya Pradesh and Buddhism, reaffirming the state’s commitment to preserving and promoting its rich cultural heritage on the global stage.

The participation of Madhya Pradesh in this monumental event not only showcases the state’s sacred heritage but also strengthens cultural ties between India and Thailand. By sharing the spiritual treasures of Madhya Pradesh with the world, the delegation aims to foster greater understanding and appreciation of the timeless teachings of Lord Buddha and the enduring legacy of Buddhism.

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