UFrost Wins Canada’s #1 Startup & Expands to Toronto!

Ufrost, fresh from being crowned the ‘Best of the Fest’ at Canada’s top startup competition, Startup Fest, is making waves as the most sought-after startup in the country. This award-winning company, known for its innovative technology that harnesses the power of recycled CO2 to freeze items in mere seconds, is set to expand its operations to Toronto by early next year.

Founded in 2016 by the visionary, Julien Michalk, Ufrost – often referred to as the “microwave of cold” – can freeze vodka into cubes in just under a minute, without the use of any electricity. A feat deemed impossible by conventional methods, this internationally patented device is a one of a kind invention that has permanently unlocked an entire universe of culinary transformation. This groundbreaking approach to cooling has propelled
Ufrost to the forefront of the event and entertainment industries, and is setting them up to be on every counter of every hotel, restaurant, and bar in North-America.

With an impressive track record that boasts 3600 events, 48 patents, and a 12-strong shareholder team, featuring luminaries from the global entertainment industry, Ufrost’s expansion into Toronto is poised to be a game-changer. Officially opening on October 1st, the team from Montreal is partnering with the city’s premier event organizers and VIP hosts to bring this unique concept to the party.

Ufrost’s journey has been nothing short of meteoric. From its modest beginnings in 2016, the company has grown its footprint to over 30 employees, including a dedicated team of R&D engineers partnered with Montreal Polytechnique University. The Ufrost Pro, the company’s latest innovation, is a sleeker, counter-top version priced at $5,000 CAD, and is set to redefine the cocktail experience for restaurateurs. With the company’s financial partners, Canada’s restaurants and bars can pick up a machine for as little as $100 CAD per month.

As Ufrost looks to the future, it has more than just the Canadian market in its sights. Plans are afoot to make an entry into the U.S. by 2025. In the words of founder Julien Michalk, “We aim to make Quebec’s coolness a staple on every kitchen counter around the world.” Pre-sale and lots are open for HRI operators and owners.

About Ufrost: Ufrost is a Montreal-based startup that specializes in rapid cooling technology. Founded by Julien Michalk in 2013, the company’s innovative approach to cooling has made it a standout name in the events and entertainment industries as well as a highly disruptive tech in the instant freezing industry; medical, agro-nutritional, laboratory hardware, and even ice cream.

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