#NadaYoga : Experience the Sound of Silence!

The incomparable Jaipur Literature Festival is in a hybrid format this year. For those who cannot be at the event on-ground in Jaipur from 10th -14th March, the sessions are available online with a stellar lineup of speakers and sessions. Besides literature and books, there’s also the festival buzaar, music, food and the ‘Mind, Body & Soul’ which might be interest to many of us.


14-March | 8:40 AM – 9:00 AM

Nada Yoga Journey with Jenil Dholakia Yoga
Nada Yoga is the Yoga of Sound. Sound is such a powerful healing modality that it has been used throughout history to create balance, harmony and peace for our physical, mental, emotional & spiritual layers of being.
Experience a powerful journey of Nada Yoga using your own internal voice through mantra chanting and the healing vibrations of Tibetan singing bowls to quiet your mind, calm your heart and reboot your nervous system.
Experience the sounds of silence.
Experience silence.

Benefits of the offerings include

  • Energy balance within the body
  • Reduction of stress and tension
  • Stimulation of toxin removal
  • Helps to harmonize body, mind and spirit
  • Increased immune function
  • Stimulates blood circulation
  • Increases vital energy flow, creativity, intuition and motivation

Come, let the layered sounds of singing bowls quiet your mind, calm your heart & reboot your nervous system.

For details, visit https://www.jenildholakiayoga.com/

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